Crimson Defense Hackers

Secret List

Meet the Crimson Defense Hackers!

For a team that lives in the deep corners of the dark web, the Crimson Defense H@ckers really do know how to hide. After quite a long time of tracking them down, I got them all to give a description of who they are and how they got into hacking. They keep their true identity sacred, so the following information might not be accurate. There is a risk to putting your personal information out on the surface web, especially for an elite security team such as this one. There might be some truth to these, but since I can't be certain of it, I'll leave that up to you to decide.

Percy Knox

I am an old white lady who loves to eat chocolate, but only if it's a Hershey's "giant" bar. The other ones just aren't as good. I started hacking in my early 60s, I want to say 63, but I could be wrong; It was so many years ago. It all started when I was at a Chinese restaurant and I opened up my fortune cookie and it said "you will be pwned in the near future". I immediately went home to my Ubuntu machine and starting securing the heck out of it. I don't know where I learned all the commands to be honest, they just came to me naturally. I spent 1000 hours, without getting up, making sure my system was as secure as it can be. A few days later I was pwned. I have since then spent every day practicing my security hardening skills and have never eaten at another Chinese restaurant again.


To say I love almonds is an understatement. To say almonds are my life is more accurate. This is the story of how my passion for my nutty little friends nearly landed me in federal prison. Now, I'm the type of person to milk something I love for everything it has. In this particular case, it involved literally milking these azure gems, until I had what I needed: Unsweetened, original almond milk. I go through at least 4 gallons of the stuff a week. I mean, who could resist? Low calorie, high flavor, no lactose with which to abuse my intestines? What more could a man want? Well, they don't call them Blue Diamonds for nothing... my wallet began to suffer. So I did what I could, I went to Aldi, I budgeted- anything to continue my addiction. That was until I found myself on an administrative account of an admiral almond associate. From here it was simple: I had found lifetime access to an allotment of all almond associated accessories. Frantically, I got them shipped to my next door neighbor, who worked during the day and I knew wouldn't be home. However, I made one teensy-tiny misstep, by failing to realize that nearly 500kg of almond products cannot simply arrive domestically without attracted unappreciated almond-eyed attention. The day felt right.. the almond breeze felt like silk against my skin. As the trucks approached however, the situation felt less like almond joy and more like payday pain, as the peanut police pulled past, parking parallel to the path. The PPD? This wasn't normally their jurisdiction- they mainly concerned themselves with peanut problems, occasionally cashew crimes, but never almond arrests. Uh oh. They approached my door, and after affirming my identity, they took everything. Not a single nut left unharvested in my whole house. They tore apart the walls, found the stash I had squirrelled away under the staircase, above the ceiling, inside my shirt pockets. Thankfully, the plunder they took was enough to prevent the pressing of persistent charges. Nevertheless, this was the end of the nepharious nut negotiation. To this day, I am a changed man. Well, as much of a man as you can be after such a tragedy.


Most people think my hobbies are weird. After all, if one has a super magnified telescope and a 24/7 security watch of the neighborhood, that usually raises alarms in people’s heads. However, my crazy surveillance scheme has nothing to do with the people… but their plants. You see, I happen to run the Saddle Gulch Homes Potted Porch Plant Protection Program, SGHP5 for short. After experiencing several dry spells this past summer, I noticed a severe epidemic of dehydration hit the poor potted plants in my area. After some investigating with my binoculars, I found out that the cause of this mass death was due to their owners forgetting to water them! That night, under the cover of darkness, I stealthily went to every potted plant in need of H2O and doused them in a healthy mist for about 15 seconds before heading back to my home. Over the next month I developed an advanced surveillance system to monitor all the plants. My cameras run a sophisticated AI program that ID's any victim and instantly texts me their location so that I can engage in a stealth rescue mission at night. I’m proud to say that ever since I established the SGHP5, there have been zero plant deaths due to dehydration in Saddle Gulch Homes, and I plan to keep it that way, for a long, long, time.

The Guilty Remnant

All of existence has culminated to this moment with me to begin to write this paragraph, but I do not have anything I need to accomplish. I am a champion “cornhole” player, and what motivates me to continue to play the sport is to beat people who call it “cornhole” so that I can call it “Bags” straight to their face. I would give you my email or phone number, but I am completely unavailable. My origin story began when I was walking down a street in the city, when I had a piano dropped on me. I wasn’t extremely hurt, but someone was recording me. I smiled at the camera, but to my surprise, my teeth had been replaced by piano keys! After playing a short tune, they fell out, and I passed out. In retaliation, I performed a DOS attack on the piano moving company and sold employee info on the dark web ( My hobbies include haxing, playing heavily modded Minecraft on a laptop that can barely handle it, and emailing Noam Chomsky asking if he can help me with my Algorithms homework.


Say man, I'm a young jit from Florida named NaratoCotto. My hobbies include hooping, watching Naruto, and taking your lunch money. So one day I'm looking at some snap stories and I see one of my boys had posted "follow for follow on Instagram". I was like say less, my account was lacking in followers and I was trying to get my clout up. I followed homeboy on Instagram and, what do ya know, days pass and no follow back! Time to take matters into my own hands I guess. I looked at the clock and turns out I was on demon time, respectfully. Anyway, I started looking up how to crack passwords and did a bunch of modules in the NCL gymnasium. Boom, the following week I cracked my boy's password -SniperGang300- and went and gave myself the follow I rightfully deserved.


I am inspectelement, a digital enigma roaming the vast expanse of cyberspace with a purpose shrouded in mystery. Whispers follow in my wake, suggesting ties to the intricate web of Russian hacking circles. Some paint me as a nefarious cybercriminal, orchestrating sophisticated attacks on secure networks with ruthless efficiency. Others portray me as a digital crusader, fighting for freedom and transparency in the face of oppressive regimes. Yet, amidst the speculation and conjecture, one fact remains undeniable: I am a formidable presence in the realm of cyber warfare. With each line of code I manipulate, I leave a mark that resonates across the digital landscape, a reminder of the power wielded by those who dare to challenge the status quo. Whether viewed as a hero or a villain, I am inspectelement, a shadowy figure navigating the labyrinthine corridors of the internet with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a relentless pursuit of my own truth.


I'm ACHME, a digital ninja dancing through the cybernetic jungle with the finesse of a circus acrobat and the mischievous grin of a trickster. My journey into the realm of hacking began like a whirlwind romance, sparked by a love for all things tech and a relentless curiosity that knows no bounds. From the moment I dipped my toes into the electrifying currents of cyberspace, I knew I was hooked. But it wasn't just about cracking codes and outsmarting firewalls – it was about the thrill of the chase, the adrenaline rush of unraveling digital mysteries, and the sheer joy of pushing the boundaries of what's possible. They call me ACHME because when it comes to hacking, I'm always one step ahead, armed with a bag of digital tricks and a penchant for mischief that keeps the cyber cops on their toes. But hey, when I'm not busy pulling off daring hacks, you can find me setting off fireworks and pyrotechnics like it's the Fourth of July. Because what's life without a little sparkle and boom, right?


Hey there, I'm JustOneMoreByte, a hacker with an insatiable appetite for coding and an equally voracious love for all things Shrek and SpongeBob. Growing up, I found solace in the quirky humor and heartwarming messages of these iconic characters. Their adventures provided an escape from the mundane and sparked my imagination in ways I never thought possible. It was during one of my late-night coding sessions, fueled by copious amounts of caffeine and accompanied by the comforting glow of my favorite Shrek poster, that I stumbled upon the world of hacking. Instantly enamored by the thrill of breaking into systems and unraveling complex security measures, I knew I had found my calling. Now, as JustOneMoreByte, I blend my passion for hacking with my love for Shrek and SpongeBob, infusing a bit of whimsy into the often serious world of cybersecurity. After all, who says hacking can't have a little fun?


Unfortunately I am CursedEnlightenment, a depressed soul traversing the realms of cyberspace and the mystic arts of Jujutsu Kaisen. My journey began with a fascination for the inner workings of technology, a passion that led me down the path of hacking. By day, I navigate the digital landscape with finesse, exploring its depths and unraveling its mysteries. But by night, I shed my digital skin and immerse myself in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, where curses and sorcery reign supreme. As a part-time hacker and part-time Jujutsu Kaisen enthusiast, I find solace in the sparkling blue eyes of Gojo Satoru, a master of the arcane and a symbol of limitless potential. His wisdom and strength inspire me to push the boundaries of my abilities, both in the digital realm and the world of Jujutsu (and my heart). Yet, my journey has not been without its setbacks. A bungled order at Cookout left me with a sour taste in my mouth, and I now harbor a deep disdain for the fast-food chain. Despite this setback, I continue to walk the fine line between hacker and enthusiast, fueled by my quest for knowledge, power, and the perfect meal (and Gojo's heart).


Salutations, I am the enigmatic entity known as MoriartyMessages, a shadowy figure traversing the digital ether with an aura of antiquity. In my realm, the tumultuous waves of cyberspace are but a mere extension of the temporal fabric that surrounds me. Clad in the vestiges of an era long past, I navigate the binary seas with the demeanor of a Victorian scholar, my pursuits guided by the principles of elegance and refinement. My abode, an ornate chamber adorned with brass and mahogany, echoes with the whispers of bygone eras, a sanctuary where the flickering glow of candlelight illuminates the arcane symbols of my craft. In my pursuits, I eschew the trappings of modernity, clinging instead to the quaint sensibilities of a bygone epoch. For in the world of MoriartyMessages, time stands still, and the echoes of 1820 reverberate through the corridors of cyberspace with a timeless elegance.


I am alluringPanda, a serene force in the chaotic realm of cyberspace. My journey into hacking began in the tranquil mountains of my homeland, where I trained in the art of kung fu and cultivated a deep sense of inner peace. Drawing inspiration from the teachings of ancient masters, I learned to approach challenges with calmness and clarity, even in the face of the most fearsome cyber attacks. As alluringPanda, I employ my kung fu skills not only to defend against malicious viruses and hackers but also to intimidate them with a quiet confidence. With each keystroke, I channel the wisdom of my martial arts training, striking a harmonious balance between strength and serenity. In the ever-shifting landscape of cybersecurity, I remain a steadfast guardian, embodying the spirit of the alluring panda - peaceful yet powerful, serene yet formidable.


Je suis Cryptokiller, a hacker hailing from the streets of Paris, where the allure of cryptocurrency courses through my veins like a drug. It was a fateful night when I cracked the code, stumbling upon a digital goldmine that flooded my accounts with over a million dollars in a matter of hours. The rush was intoxicating, fueling my already fervent obsession with the virtual currency. But as swiftly as my fortune rose, it crumbled into nothingness. Three days later, a merciless hack stripped me of every last cent, leaving me destitute and broken. The experience was a harsh awakening, a reminder of the volatile nature of the digital realm and the dangers of succumbing to greed. Now, as I rebuild from the ashes of my losses, I am haunted by the memory of that fleeting wealth and the bitter taste of its demise. Cryptokiller, once driven by a hunger for riches, now treads cautiously in the treacherous waters of cryptocurrency, mindful of the fine line between success and ruin.


I am PandasPo, a Chinese hacker deeply entrenched in the enigmatic world of cybersecurity. From the bustling streets of Beijing to the tranquil mountains of Shaolin, my journey has been intertwined with the ancient teachings of kung fu and the profound wisdom of Zen. It was during my training in the martial arts that I crossed paths with my dear friend, AlluringPanda. Together, we honed our skills in the art of kung fu and cultivated a sense of inner peace that serves as our greatest weapon in the digital battlefield. United by a shared passion for hacking and a reverence for the teachings of our masters, we navigate the complexities of cyberspace with grace and precision. As PandasPo, I draw upon the strength of our bond and the teachings of kung fu to defend against cyber threats and uphold justice in the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity. Our friendship is a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding us through the storms of uncertainty with unwavering resolve and unbreakable spirit.


I am Toin, a passionate enthusiast of the captivating world of K-pop and all things Korean, embracing its vibrant culture with every fiber of my being. From the moment I was introduced to the enchanting melodies and mesmerizing performances, I found myself deeply immersed in a world of boundless fascination. Beyond the music, I am enamored by the intricate beauty of traditional hanbok attire, the tantalizing flavors of Korean cuisine, and the warmth of Korean hospitality. Yet, amidst the plethora of K-pop groups that light up the stage, there is one that holds a special place in my heart - TXT. Among its members, Soobin shines like a beacon of light, his charm and talent captivating my soul. My adoration for TXT and Soobin knows no bounds, shaping my every thought and infusing my life with joy and excitement. As Toin, I journey through the kaleidoscopic world of K-pop with unwavering passion, forever enchanted by the melodic rhythms of TXT's music and the irresistible allure of Soobin's presence.


PepeSilvia is my name, a shadow in the darkest corners of the digital underworld, known only by whispers and rumors. My journey began innocently enough, a mere wanderer navigating the depths of the internet's underbelly. But as I delved deeper, I became entranced by the allure of anonymity and the thrill of forbidden knowledge. Soon, I shed my digital skin and emerged as PepeSilvia, a professional Tor user and notorious pirate. With every click of my mouse, I plundered the digital seas, acquiring forbidden treasures and evading the watchful eyes of authorities. My reputation grew, whispered tales of my exploits spreading like wildfire through the dark alleys of cyberspace. But with notoriety came danger, and I soon found myself hunted by those who sought to extinguish my flame. Yet, like a phantom in the night, I remained elusive, slipping through their fingers time and time again. PepeSilvia, a legend in the annals of digital piracy, a ghost in the machine, forever sailing the seas of the internet in search of the next forbidden horizon.


I am SHZPSH, a denizen of a world that appears no different from reality itself. Every day, I awaken to a world of boundless possibilities, where the sun rises over vast landscapes and the winds whisper secrets through towering forests. Yet, unbeknownst to me, this world is but a digital construct, a virtual reality simulation crafted by unseen hands. In my ignorance, I navigate this realm with a sense of wonder and curiosity, unaware of the true nature of my existence. From bustling cities to serene countryside, I wander, my senses intoxicated by the sights and sounds of this virtual paradise. Little do I know that every interaction, every sensation, is merely an illusion, a carefully crafted facade designed to ensnare my consciousness. And amidst the wonders of this virtual realm, there is one peculiar aspect of my personality that stands out—I possess an inexplicable fondness for Dijon mustard, a taste that transcends the boundaries of this virtual world and seeps into the very fabric of my being. As SHZPSH, I am but a pawn in a grander scheme, a prisoner of a virtual world that I cannot perceive, yet one that dictates every facet of my existence.